Frequently Asked Questions

Bible Translation

How does the translation process work?

Bible translation is collaborative work, with missionaries coming alongside members of local communities. Together they follow a rigorous process that adheres to standards established by the Forum of Bible Agencies International. This ensures that translated Scripture is clear, accurate, and natural sounding — a quality rendering of God’s Word. See Bible Translation Process for more information.

How long does it typically take to translate the Bible?

While it is still a years-long process, advances in technology and innovative approaches are allowing us to produce Bible translations of high quality faster than ever. See Bible Translation Process for a clear overview of the translation process.

How do you ensure the accuracy of translations?

We abide by the rigorous translation standards set by the Forum of Bible Agencies International to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our translations. See Bible Translation Process for more information.

What happens after a Bible translation is completed?

Discipleship and church planting efforts continue after a translation is finished. Our goal isn’t just translation, but life transformation. Our ministry among a people group is complete only when there is a network of churches using Scripture to grow, mature and multiply.

Donations and Financial Transparency

How can I donate to Pioneer Bible Translators?

You can donate through our website, by mail, or by phone. We accept multiple forms of payment including credit/debit cards, checks, and electronic funds transfer. See Donate for more information.

There are also other ways to give, such as stocks, real estate, annuities, and other assets. See Planned Giving for more information.

Can I give to Pioneer Bible Translators through stocks, real estate, or planned giving?

Yes, we accept donations such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and planned gifts. See Planned Giving for more information.

How can I manage my donations?

You can manage your donations by navigating the menu in your donor account, where you can schedule recurring donations, update payment methods, and view your donation history.

If you need help, please feel free to reach out by phone at (214) 699-4188 or email We are available Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 5:00pm CST and we will be happy to help you!

Donor Login

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, Pioneer Bible Translators® is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. See Financial Transparency for more information.

How does Pioneer Bible Translators ensure financial accountability?

You can give with confidence knowing that Charity Navigator has rated Pioneer Bible Translators® “Exceptional” —their highest rating — since 2011 based on financial health, accountability, and transparency. Pioneer Bible Translators is also accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. See Financial Transparency for more information.

Can I specify which project or ministry my donation supports?

Absolutely! When making your donation, you have the option to designate it to a specific project, fund, or ministry you wish to support. Support a Missionary or Project

What is your donor privacy policy?
We respect our donors’ privacy and do not sell or trade our donors’ personal information with any other entity, nor do we send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations. See Donor Privacy Policy for more information.

Joining Our Team

How can I join Pioneer Bible Translators?

Let us help you discover if Pioneer Bible is the right fit for you. We want to hear your story, explore how you can serve, and pray with you as you discern God’s will. See the Join page for more information.

What kind of training will I need?

We provide comprehensive training in areas such as cross-cultural communication, linguistics, Bible translation principles, personal and spiritual development, and practical skills for living and working overseas. See Training for more information.

Can families serve together on the mission field? Can singles serve?

Yes, we encourage and support singles, couples, and families serving together. We provide resources to help teammates thrive in their new cultural and linguistic environments. See Missionary Care for more information. 

How does Pioneer Bible Translators take care of their missionaries?

Since 1976, Pioneer Bible Translators has fostered a culture of care designed to help our global workers thrive. From our newest team members to our senior leadership, everyone at Pioneer Bible Translators is part of a culture of care.

We also offer health insurance, life insurance, and retirement options to every employee.

See Missionary Care for more information.

I'm not a linguist or Bible scholar. Can I still serve?
Yes! We have roles to match diverse talents, career paths, and educational backgrounds. See Explore Roles for more information.
What do Bible translators do after they complete their translation?

This varies from missionary to missionary. Pioneer Bible Translators does not consider a project “completed” until there is enduring access to the translated Word of God in the language people understand and it is being used by a local church which is using it to plant other churches. Thus, some missionaries stay in the project and continue in discipleship and evangelistic endeavors.

Some people start a second translation. Many continue the work of translation by becoming Translation Consultants for other projects.

Some come back to the states to train the next generation of missionaries in our International Service Center. Others follow the Lord’s leading on their lives and pursue the mission God takes them to.

Do I have to raise support?

Most of our teammates raise support on behalf of Pioneer Bible Translators for their ministry roles. Support raising is not about money — it’s about prayerfully inviting people everywhere to participate in what God is doing to fulfill His mission.

How do you equip teammates to raise funds?

We provide training to help you:

  • Gain confidence in communicating the Biblical foundation for living on support, asking others to invest, and understanding “The God Ask.”
  • Learn best practices and gain confidence in sharing your presentation.
  • Rehearse with your peers and make real calls for appointments.
  • Experience the value of meeting face to face with people and asking for support.
  • Discover how to cultivate lasting relationships with your supporters.
How do I know how much money I need to raise?

We will work with you to develop a budget based on your ministry role, where you’re going, and your family’s personal needs. Our goal is for you to be adequately funded to maximize the fruitfulness of your ministry and your family.

Do you offer non-fundraising positions?

Most of our teammates raise support on behalf of Pioneer Bible Translators for their ministry roles. There are occasional openings that do not require fundraising.

Church Partnerships

How can my church get involved?

We want to build fruitful partnerships with churches to spread the Gospel through the work of Bible translation, church planting and discipleship.

Your church can:

  • Request a Guest Speaker

  • Host a Bible Translation Display

  • Launch a Verse by Verse Challenge

  • Organize a Prayer Initiative

  • Adopt a Bible Translation Project

  • Mobilize Business as Mission

See Church Partnerships for more information.

Can a representative come speak at our church?

Absolutely! See Church Partnerships for more information.

The Bible Doesn’t Exist in Every Language — Yet.

Right now, more than 1,600 language groups are still waiting for God’s Word. But working together, our generation can translate Scripture into every viable language on Earth.

You can help make this happen!

Become a Donor

Scripture will be translated, churches will be planted, and lives will be transformed.

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Your prayers make an impact in reaching Bibleless people with God's Word.

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Don't miss what God is doing! Help bring the Bible to the last unreached people groups.