Pioneer Bible Translators

Donor Privacy Policy

Pioneer Bible Translators is committed to respecting the privacy of our donors. We have developed this privacy policy to ensure our donors that donor information will not be shared with any third party.

Pioneer Bible Translators provides this Donor Privacy Policy to make you aware of our privacy policy, and to inform you of the way your information is used. We also provide you with the opportunity to remove your name from our mailing list, if you desire to do so.

Donor Information

Pioneer Bible Translators collects and uses various information from donors that includes: name, amount donated, address, telephone number, organization/church, donor comments and e-mail address. We also collect and retain information concerning how you heard about Pioneer Bible Translators and any information you wish to share, such as questions, comments, and suggestions. Tax laws in the United States require Pioneer Bible Translators to keep contact information and contribution level of donors on file.

Pioneer Bible Translators uses donor information to understand donors’ needs and provide better service. Specifically, we use your information to help you complete a transaction, communicate back to you, and update you on ministry happenings. We use the comments you offer to provide you with information requested, and we take seriously each recommendation as to how we might improve communication.

How Information is Used

Pioneer Bible Translators will never sell, trade, rent or share names (unless released for publication), e-mail or mail addresses, or telephone numbers of our donors. We assure you that the identity of all our donors will be kept confidential. Pioneer Bible Translators will use contact information (e-mail, telephone number and address) of donors for these purposes only:

  • Distribute receipts for donations
  • Thank donors for their donation
  • Inform donors about upcoming fundraising and other activities of Pioneer Bible Translators
  • Internal analysis and record keeping
  • Reporting to relevant U.S. and State agencies (these reports are not for public inspection)

Pioneer Bible Translators does allow donors to explicitly choose to remain “anonymous” if that is a donor’s desire.

Financial Information

Pioneer Bible Translators accepts contributions via credit/debit cards and electronic funds transfers. For those donors who so choose, we will initiate transactions to your account for single gifts or recurring donations to Pioneer Bible Translators. To facilitate this service we use Blackbaud Merchant Services. Gifts may be made online by the donor at, or by phone at 214-699-4188. Blackbaud’s PCI compliance information may be found at

Pioneer Bible Translators uses eTapestry, a hosted donor management system provided by Blackbaud. All access to donor information is strictly limited to professional staff of Pioneer Bible Translators whose job requires them to process this data. The donor management system personnel would only access such data if needed to resolve technical support issues and only with our approval. No donor information is provided to any person, organization or group who does not need to access this data. Donor records are kept in a secure file cabinet or on the donor management system’s secure servers.

Removing Your Name From Our Mailing List

It is our desire to not send unwanted mail or email to our donors. Please contact us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.

Contacting Us

If you have comments or questions about our donor privacy policy, please send us an email at or call us at (214) 699-4188.