
Thursday Prayer Focus: Summer Interns

praying hands with Bible

Eight teams of interns are serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in various locations this summer. Please join in praying for them as they minister, learn, and seek to know the heart of God more deeply throughout the next two months.
Our interns have worked diligently over the past few months to enlist prayer and financial partners and to prepare in other ways for this summer of learning and serving. Thank God for the partnerships He has given each one and for the many other ways He has provided.
The interns are currently involved in two weeks of focused pre-field orientation. Pray that God will open their minds and hearts to absorb the vast amounts of information and to respond well to new experiences.
Pray that each team of interns will form strong bonds with each other and their coaches. Ask God to unite them and foster within them humble hearts that long to know Him more and to extend His Kingdom.
Pray that God will fill the intern coaches with wisdom, courage, love, and humility. Ask Him to pour into them abundantly as they pour into their teams this summer.
Pray that each team of interns will form solid relationships with the field personnel who host them. Pray that the hosts will effectively mentor them in how to thrive and serve.
Our intern teams earnestly desire to serve the Bibleless peoples with whom they will interact. Pray that God will enable them to overcome language and cultural barriers in order to show His love.
They will face experiences that stretch them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Pray for strengthening of their faith and protection from the enemy’s efforts to distract them from their mission and to cause fear and doubt. Pray that they will keep their eyes fixed on God.
The interns are seeking direction regarding long-term ministry. Pray that their experiences this summer will help enable them to discern God’s leading.

Pioneer Bible Translators
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