
Thursday Prayer Focus: Day of Fasting and Prayer

praying hands with Bible

Because prayer is the strategy of Pioneer Bible Translators, our worldwide team intentionally sets aside a day of fasting and prayer every month. On this day, we join in unified prayer, offering up to our Father praises and requests collected especially for this day. 

This month we are focusing on asking God to provide mission-critical personnel. We are especially praying about two events — next month’s Discovery recruitment week and our summer internships — that are key to our growth.

Please join today’s concert of prayer for Discovery and our summer internships. 


  • Thank you, God, for each person who is sacrificially coming to Discovery next month to explore whether this is the ministry they should pursue.
  • God, please speak powerfully to each Discovery participant through prayer, worship, presentations, and conversations. 
  • Father, please empower each person who will be speaking, sharing, and engaging with these potential teammates.
  • God, please protect the entire team and their family members from illnesses, accidents, losses, and anything else that would keep them from carrying out the roles you have given them in preparing for and assisting during Discovery. 
  • God, please bless each teammate who serves during Discovery. Please empower and energize them to serve with joy and love out of the overflow of love they have for you.


  • Thank you, God, for making internships possible in eight locations this summer. 
  • Thank you, God, for providing teams of prayer and financial partners for each intern. May these relationships be the beginning of great partnerships for their future ministries.
  • God, please fill the intern coaches with your wisdom, courage, love, and humility. Please pour into them abundantly as they pour into their teams this summer.
  • God, please guard the interns and intern coaches from enemy attacks. Please unite each team and foster within them humble hearts that long to know you more and to bring your Kingdom to Earth.
  • God, please continue preparing the interns to receive all that you have for them during their pre-field orientation and while they are serving in their locations. 
  • God, please continue to stir up the interns’ hearts for the Bibleless peoples around the world. Please fix their eyes on you as their provider of all they need for accomplishing what you call them to do.
Pioneer Bible Translators
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