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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please give our local teammates your peace, wisdom, and healthy relational dynamics as they progress in their work. Please block Satan’s attempts at division within their teams and in their communities.

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Praying For


God, please break the bonds of trauma and powerfully reveal yourself as the Great Healer to refugees and immigrants among whom we are serving.

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We praise you, Father, for your faithfulness and kindness as you sustain our teammates in difficult places and empower them to share the Good News with their neighbors.

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God, please use your Word to inspire your Church to be a beacon of hope in this hurting world.

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Thank you, God, for the faith of many of our national teammates. Please grow them in their relationship with you and in their personal sense of mission in their homes and communities.

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God, please reveal yourself in love and power to people all over the world as they seek you during their religion’s Night of Power.

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God, please give national translators and Scripture impact workers in East Africa fruitful relationships with local churches.

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God, please help us discover or develop training options that are both excellent and accessible for our international teammates.

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God, please add 10 new disciple-making teammates with business and marketplace expertise to our team.

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Thank you, God, for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Thank you for the growing number of communities that are experiencing hope as this Good News is proclaimed in their midst.

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God, please empower every member of our worldwide team to model Jesus’ sacrificial love for others.

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God, please work in the hearts of your people as we are reminded today of all that Jesus endured to make salvation possible. Please use this rekindled awareness as motivation to make Him known throughout the earth.

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God, please continue to empower teammates in the Middle East as they work on translating your Word and making disciples among a difficult-to-reach people group.

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