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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please give our local teammates your peace, wisdom, and healthy relational dynamics as they progress in their work. Please block Satan’s attempts at division within their teams and in their communities.

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Praying For


God, please resolve banking problems that are draining the time and energy of a teammate in Vanuatu and keeping him from facilitating the work of local translation teams.

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God, please heal our teammate who is battling cancer and grant him many more years of ministry among refugees from an unreached people group in the South Asia area.

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Thank you, God, that local translators from the language communities we serve in East Africa were able to gather for a spiritual retreat last month. Thank you for the opportunity for these teammates to encourage and learn from each other.

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God, please cause your Word to penetrate hearts so that entire people groups will be transformed.

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God, please provide trained linguists to serve alongside faithful national translators in two language projects in West Africa.

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God, please provide and strengthen relationships for teammates in a new location in South Asia. Please help them cultivate relationships that can become opportunities to discuss spiritual matters.

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God, please raise up a team from our Global Partner in Ukraine to begin a language project in Central Asia.

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Thank you, God, for empowering a translation team in South Asia to finish their draft and exegetical check of the entire New Testament.

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God, please move our number of projects from 108 to at least 130 by 2024.

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Thank you, God, for giving one of our workers in the Maghreb opportunities to share your Word with a local friend.

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God, please help everyone on our worldwide team always to walk in integrity. Please help each one to represent you and your Kingdom well as they interact with each other and with those you have called them to serve.

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God, please grant that churches in Ukraine will pray for and financially support the new workers that you are raising up in their midst.

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