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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please give our local teammates your peace, wisdom, and healthy relational dynamics as they progress in their work. Please block Satan’s attempts at division within their teams and in their communities.

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Praying For


God, please keep dangerous crises and lawsuits away from our team and help us manage risks.

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Thank you, God, for potential new teammates to serve in translation, Scripture impact, and community development in one of our projects in West Africa.

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God, please empower us so that our lives and ministries will always be marked by love, unity, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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God, please lay the groundwork for three families and a single person to move to a project in Nile Africa. Please prepare the hearts of the people to receive them and the Good News they will be proclaiming.

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God, please bring your peace to a West Asian country in turmoil. Please open the door for personnel to return to this place that desperately needs your healing love.

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God, please enable churches in Mainland Southeast Asia to keep you and your Kingdom as their focus. Please empower them to preach effectively about the hope that comes only from faith in Jesus as they and their people face difficult circumstances.

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God, please guide us as we seek the best ways to conduct sign language translation projects in areas requiring the identities of Deaf signers to be hidden.

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God, please move your people to give $2.35 million to fund sign language translations for Deaf communities around the world by 2024.

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Thank you, God, for making it possible to offer training to pastors in a language group we serve in Nile Africa. Thank you that these pastors are now more fully equipped to teach and shepherd the churches under their care.

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God, please empower every member of our worldwide team so that our ideal culture of praying as our core strategy, loving each other, acting like Jesus, and ministering well together will permeate every aspect of our global ministry.

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God, please raise up the right local translators, business employees, and language helpers to partner with our teams in Southeast Asia.

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God, please provide the personnel and finances for our Global Partner in Poland to initiate a Polish Sign Language project this year.

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