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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please give our local teammates your peace, wisdom, and healthy relational dynamics as they progress in their work. Please block Satan’s attempts at division within their teams and in their communities.

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Praying For


We praise you, God, for the progress our new teammates in Nile Africa have made in learning the national language. Thank you that they are now able to begin learning the heart languages of the people you have sent them there to serve.

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God, please help our teammates demonstrate healthy problem solving, conflict resolution, and interpersonal security.

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God, please call some of our national colleagues into full-time ministry with us after they complete their current projects. Please show us how to engage and equip them for fruitful ministry.

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God, please empower our multi-cultural team heading to Central Asia to continue growing in unity.

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God, please connect us with local believers in Asia who want to translate your Word into their own languages.

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God, please add two full-time coaches — a woman and a man — to our Formation team in Dallas.

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God, please increase our Scripture Impact Revitalization projects from 5 to 20 by the end of this year.

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We praise you, God, for growing our Deaf Ministries team. Thank you for the new teammates you have already added, and thank you for those who are in the process of joining.

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God, please show every member of our worldwide team how to make disciples, and please show them how to equip and encourage these new disciples to disciple others.

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God, please raise up significant pools of local personnel that we can introduce into Kingdom work in each location where we serve.

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God, please show us how to encourage people to immerse themselves in your Word in places where translated Scriptures are not yet being widely studied and obeyed.

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God, please give comfort, wisdom, and guidance to teammates who are in a season of regrouping after difficult experiences and unexpected transitions.

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