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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please give our local teammates your peace, wisdom, and healthy relational dynamics as they progress in their work. Please block Satan’s attempts at division within their teams and in their communities.

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Praying For


God, please strengthen believers in the Maghreb. Please give them boldness in the face of pressure to recant.

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God, please open doors for new teammates to join and expand the work we are doing in Mainland Southeast Asia.

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God, please raise up teachers for the children of our cross-cultural workers in every location where they are needed.

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Thank you, God, for the completion of consultant checks for portions of Scripture in two projects in the Caucasus.

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God, please grant that we and our partners in the Bible translation movement will see churches with Scripture transforming every language community on Earth by 2050.

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God, please bring healing from trauma to immigrants and refugees among whom our teammates serve in the U.S. and in many locations around the world. May these hurting people experience the truth of the Gospel and be able to work through their pain and loss in community with believers.

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God, please send four national workers who are fully equipped for Kingdom work to our teammates in West Africa.

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God, please help us discern how to serve well in difficult contexts without endangering others. Please continue to protect lives and ministries in locations experiencing open conflicts.

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God, please bless the men and women who are in their final weeks of preparing to serve as interns with us this summer. Please provide each one with faithful prayer partners who will lift them up throughout their remaining preparations and during their summer of service.

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God, please move two translations — a New Testament in North Africa and a Bible in South Asia — through their final stages so they can be published.

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Thank you, God, for the growth and faithfulness of West Asian believers in a refugee community in the Midwest.

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God, please raise up people who will serve as catalysts to help communities weave reading and listening to your Word into the fabric of their lives.

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