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Join us in praying to reach Bibleless people. Your prayers make a difference!

Today’s Prayer

God, please give our local teammates your peace, wisdom, and healthy relational dynamics as they progress in their work. Please block Satan’s attempts at division within their teams and in their communities.

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Praying For


God, please help us in the illumiNations 1 Impact Alliance and your church ensure that the world’s 100 most strategic written languages have at least two translations of the Bible by 2033.

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Thank you, God, for the ways our teammates around the world are embracing the blessings and challenges of serving on multicultural teams.

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God, please bless all the churches and agencies in the Bible translation movement as they work collaboratively to complete the tasks of Bible translation, disciple making, and church planting.

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God, please help new believers grasp what it means to truly be a disciple who follows you. Please increase their hunger for your Word.

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God, please bring to fruition efforts to create partnerships with two church groups in Vanuatu. Please empower these churches to take ownership of two ongoing translation projects.

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God, please move in powerful ways to bring the right individuals to fill urgently needed administrative roles in Nile Africa, Papua New Guinea, and West Africa.

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God, please give our teammates in the Caucasus creative ideas — along with opportunities to implement them — for greater Scripture impact as translated portions become available.

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God, please lighten the burden of healthcare and insurance costs for all our personnel, especially by protecting all our teams from illnesses that hinder our work and increase costs.

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Thank you, God, for raising up a team of Americans and Ukrainians to serve alongside each other in Central Asia.

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God, please empower us so that our lives and ministries will always be marked by love, unity, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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God, please help local churches maintain unity and vision in every place where we serve.

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God, please accelerate the editing of the Action Bible Sign Language in American Sign Language so it can be released soon. Please continue preparing Deaf individuals and churches to receive it with joy.

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