Donor Impact Story

You Helped Tito Share the Word of God!

Tito didn’t have Scripture to share in his own language. You helped him translate and share the Gospel of Luke!
Portrait of Tito holding Kinyamulenge Scripture

Tito is a Kinyamulenge-speaking pastor from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He came to the U.S. after fleeing war and ethnic cleansing in his African home.

Tito did not have God’s Word in his own language, so he had to preach from a Bible in a language that was similar to Kinyamulenge.

One day Tito discovered that important words in the other language had opposite meanings in Kinyamulenge. The word describing God as “faithful” in the Bible he was using meant “lazy” or “careless” in Kinyamulenge.
He realized he had been teaching incorrect ideas about God and Jesus because of this language problem. “We preached it wrong,” Tito admits.

God connected Tito with Victor and Philemon. Together they worked on a translation, with no assurance of pay or other resources.

Then you provided support for the translation, and the team was able to finish the Gospel of Luke!

Now Tito and his people have the Gospel of Luke in their own language. He can confidently preach from this book, knowing he is using the “right” words to teach.

Thank you for providing this gift of translation! Tito and his community are now studying the Gospel of Luke and praying that someday they will have the entire Bible!

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