Donor Impact Story

War Forced Philemon from His Homeland

You helped him start a Bible translation in his new home!
Portrait of Philemon pointing to Kinyamulenge Scripture

Philemon is a Christian man from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

War forced him to flee his home. He came to the U.S. and settled in Georgia.

Philemon was trying to share the Word of God in his new home, but there was a problem. Philemon and his community in Georgia speak Kinyamulenge. But he was forced to preach out of Bibles in other languages because there was no Kinyamulenge translation.

Philemon knew something needed to be done, and YOU helped him translate the Gospel of Luke into Kinyamulenge! In Philemon’s words, “We need this book!”

So, before there was money to pay him, Philemon moved his family to Kentucky so he could join the translation team.

He trusted that God would provide so His Word could be translated into Kinyamulenge.

In the beginning, Philemon translated during the day and worked a second job at night. He knew his translation work was critical.

Then YOU came along with your support — and now the whole Gospel of Luke has been translated into Kinyamulenge!

Praise God! Philemon can now preach from Scripture in Kinyamulenge. And believers can now hear Luke’s Gospel in their own language instead of hearing it explained by someone else using another language.

Thank you for making this translation possible!

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